
Run Docker containers with Azure DevOps error: Container feature requires Windows Server 1803 or higher. Please reference documentation

When I used the most basic azure-pipelines.yml with container integration:

pool: 'DockerManager'

container: mcr.microsoft.com/windows/servercore:1903

- script: set

I've got a strange error:  Container feature requires Windows Server 1803 or higher. Please reference documentation.

Even though my machine has the latest version:
Edition: Windows 10 Enterprise
Version: 1909
OS build: 18363.535

I went into the code of Azure DevOps build agent and I found that it looks for version 1909 and...
OS type SERVER....

In order to bypass it, I've changed the registry value of "InstallationType" from Client to Server at:
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion


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  11. Encountering the error "Container feature requires Windows Server 1803 or higher" while running Docker containers with Azure DevOps can be frustrating, but it points to a compatibility issue between the server version and Docker's container features. Upgrading to Windows Server 1803 or higher is crucial for smooth execution. As technology advances, it's important to ensure your systems align with the latest requirements. Additionally, for those working with embroidery digitizing software, Docker containers can help streamline development environments, ensuring consistency across platforms and making it easier to manage complex workflows in a highly efficient and organized manner.
